Ask Aunty Nance


Things We Get Asked About A Lot:

  • Is it weird if I come to the festival solo?

    Hell no honey bunches. About 1/3 of our participants arrive won't take long to make new friends! We recommend snagging a Guided Ride pass to up your social calendar during the festival.

  • Can my super adorable fur baby Fido come to the festival or campground?

    Not to be crass, but absafuckinlutely not.

    Imagine if 600 bikers brought their 926 dogs to the event... If you’re picturing incessant barking, naughty behavior, and poopies on tires…you’ll understand why we have a zero tolerance policy for pets in the campground and festival venue. And yes, because Fido cannot join, we extend our policy to Felix as well.

    Check out our camping/accommodation FAQ’s if you need to keep Fido, Felix, or friends offsite while you enjoy the festival

  • Is this festival brand new/beginner rider friendly?

    Le sigh. At risk of sounding like an ass, Roam Fest is intended for experienced mountain bike riders; Aunty actively discourages brand-new and underskilled mtb riders from attending.

    Why? First, we aren't a skills clinic, which is really where newer riders should invest their time and money. Also, the Grand Valley can be a wicked hard place to ride, and our small team does not have the resources to properly and safely support new mtb riders.

    A lack of skills just ain’t a recipe for a good time - and you bet your ass we’re here for a good time. Please check out our Skills Ratings system and see where you fit. If you are a Skills Level 1 or 2, please contact us.

  • I’m worried I’m not good enough to join…advice?

    Smoochie! Read through our Skills & Fitness Rating page - it very clearly spells out exactly what skills you need to be able to execute.

    Anyone at a Skill Level 3 or above with some basic fitness is going to be juuuust fine.

    Here’s our typical participant breakdown by Skill Level:

    Skill Level 1 - 0%

    Skill Level 2 - 2%

    Skill Level 3 - 14%

    Skill Level 4 - 20%

    Skill Level 5 - 29%

    Skill Level 6 - 21%

    Skill Level 7 - 10%

    Skill Level 8: 4%

  • How old/young do I have to be to participate?

    Due to alcohol permitting, you must be 21 to attend. Under 21? Contact us.

    Our attendee age breakdown is typically as follows:

    21-29: 20%

    30-39: 28%

    40-49: 22%

    50-59: 25%

    60+: 5%

  • Are WTFNB folks invited?

    Anyone who identifies as WTFNB (Women, Trans, Femme, and Non-Binary) and feels comfortable in a femme-centered space is welcome to join us.

    Please see our Brave Spaces Guidelines for more clarifications regarding our intended participants.

    And before you jackholes leave dumb/insulting, "Can I just wear a wig and a skirt?" comment – that is old, tired, and completely inappropriate. Do better.

  • I’m a masc-leaning WTFNB, is this the event for me?

    That’s for you to decide, friend. Roam Fest began as a women’s event, and the space is still intentionally femme-centered. Cis men are only at the event if they are working for one of our vendors, and many of our venders have an entirely femme/non-binary/queer team.

    If it is helpful to know, we’ve got several masc/non-binary folks on event staff who would be happy to chat personally about their experiences.

    Please see our Safer Spaces Guidelines for more info.

  • What are the waitlist, transfer, refund, and cancellation policies?

    Glad you asked. We wrote it all down here.