Skill Ratings

Check out our unique Roam Fest Skills Rating system and see where you fit

(Roam Fest is recommended for riders Skill Level 3 and above - or for those with a “can do” attitude!)

Please Be Aware:

Riding in the Grand Valley is CHALLENGING! Not all the trails, but the vast majority. 

Aunty strongly encourages everyone to go down 1 Level in your Skill Rating assessment if you have not ridden here, in Moab, or in Sedona before.

Skill Ratings

  • Skill Level 1

    You’ve never actually mountain bikes on a singletrack trail before…gravel/road doesn’t count.


    You can execute:

    1. Staying upright while pedaling in a parking lot

    2. Road/gravel riding

  • Skill Level 2

    You have ridden mountain bikes on dirt trails a few times, but mostly everything about riding these contraptions is still a mystery...but you're game to learn.

    You can execute:

    1. Skill Level 1

    2. One finger braking on both the front (left) and rear (right) brakes

    3. Able to stand while riding with both pedals parallel to the ground.

    4. Pushing the shifter thingy...but being in the right gear might need some work still.

  • Skill Level 3

    You enjoy mellow trails and aren't super comfortable riding roots, chunky rocks, switchbacks, and the steep stuff...and drops or jumps? Oh hell no!

    You can execute:

    1. Skill Level 2

    2. Controlled braking at speed

    3. Standing while coasting - you're balanced and comfortable standing and can maintain level pedals while coasting.

    4. Using a dropper post to get that seat the HECK OUTTA YOUR WAY!

    5. Can get over small rocks, roots, and obstacles...but you're not sure how you're doing it.

  • Skill Level 4

    Mountain biking has started to become your "thing" and you ride fairly regularly. You’re getting the hang of shifting, pedaling through more technical features, making it up shorter climbs, and getting just a little rowdy going down hill....although you prefer keeping your wheels on the ground.

    You can execute:

    1. Skill Level 3

    2. Confident controlled braking at faster speeds

    3. Shifting gears - you anticipate terrain and can shift accordingly

    4. Compressing your suspension to get over small (a couple inches high) obstacles

    5. Confidence rolling over obstacles  (rocks, logs, drops in terrain)

    6. Wider switchbacks and turns that aren't too steep

  • Skill Level 5

    You're confident riding techinical blue trails and willing to dabble in black trails, although you're positive you'll be walking a few technical bits.  You can comfortably use your front and back brakes when different braking pressure is required (i.e. switchbacks, steeper sections of trail), & your wheels leave the ground on occasion! 

    You can execute:

    1. Skill Level 4

    2. Controlled front braking independent from rear braking and vise versa

    3. Anticipating changes in terrain and shifting smoothly and often

    4. Front wheel lifts to get wheel up or over 8”+ (higher than a curb) obstacles or down drops in terrain

    5. Letting go of the brakes and standing on 50/50 pedals on descents while gaining speed 

    6. Trail scanning and cornering techniques such as looking through turns, although you still feel and maybe look awkward AF trying to corner any faster than a tortoise.

  • Skill Level 6

    Expert trails and technical terrain? Let's do this. You feel confident braking, using momentum to crush terrain, and are comfortable shifting and using that seat post dropper all dang day. You can shred through tight trees, loose dirt, snaggly rock gardens, and twisty turns, all while lookin' and feelin' good. 

    You can execute:

    1. Skill Level 5

    2. You are confident in your handling skills on a variety of singletrack

    3. You can shift your bodyweight to keep traction on steep climbs, and climbing technical terrain is totally in your bag of tricks. 

    4. Berms? Braaaap! Timing and coordination through berms and tight turns is dialed, and you are comfortable with bike-body separation to keep speed and momentum through the exit. 

    5. Confidence on fast or steep descents with a little air time on small jumps and drops

    6. You are comfortable with wheels leaving the ground, just for a lil' bit.

  • Skill Level 7

    You eat trail for breakfast. You are comfortable riding black trails and aggressive terrain with complete control over your speed and your bike. You rarely walk on descents, and can hop or wheel lift over larger obstacles that are not rollable. Slow tech. Fast tech. You want all the tech.

    You can execute:

    1. Skill Level 6

    2. Confidently riding all black, and (most sections of) double black trails

    3. Climbing technical "bitchy" climbs and switchbacks are easy peasy

    4. Clearing table top jumps, large drops (over 4 feet), and all the sketchiness the trail has for you.

  • Skill Level 8

    You literally get paid or are good enough to ride professionally on a mountain bike. Congratulations...we have beer and extra bacon since you're probably broke and hungry.

    You can execute:

    1. All the things. Good job!